Backlinks are important to me, but finding the backlink is... not trivial.
It seems fair to have [[
begin auto-completing titles of notes. Once again vscode-markdown-notes can likely help here.
I was able to accomplish this without too much effort by Building an extension.
Unsure if I'd like to backlink with [[20201017094627]]
or [[Genesis]]
Titles should probably be unique, right? Will that cause issue?
I'm thinking when writing on the web, I'll want to hit [[
and autocomplete with a title.
...Why not both?
I'm impressed how easily it is to author vscode extensions.
The first feature I wanted was Referencing notes easily, which I was able to build starting with the CompletionItem example. Now typing [
brings up an autocomplete.
Additionally, I can create a new note by entering the title like so: [[My new note]]
, and right-clicking and selecting "New note from selection." Streamlines the process a bit.
The sample extensions allow you to run and debug them in a new Extension Development Host window. I loaded mine with debugger statements as I used the extension with these very notes.
Packaging the extension involved typing vsce package
in the extension directory, then loading the subsequent vsix
file in VSCode.