Future extension ideas

  • (Bugfix) Creating a new note from selection does not populate the selection with the note's ID
  • Open a note in the browser
  • Open a note in a new tab to edit it
  • Display the note's title in place of its ID
  • See links that are to be Expanded later
  • Creating a link from an Expanded later should globally replace that link with its ID
Referenced in:
Building an extension
I'm impressed how easily it is to author vscode extensions. The first feature I wanted was Referencing notes easily, which I was able to build starting with the CompletionItem example. Now typing [ brings up an autocomplete. Additionally, I can create a new note by entering the title like so: [[My new note]], and right-clicking and selecting "New note from selection." Streamlines the process a bit. The sample extensions allow you to run and debug them in a new Extension Development Host window. I loaded mine with debugger statements as I used the extension with these very notes. Packaging the extension involved typing vsce package in the extension directory, then loading the subsequent vsix file in VSCode. Impressed! Future extension ideas