
This first note was created by making a new directory, notes, and placing a textfile titled 20201017094627 inside of it. I am typing in it now.

Creating the filename was the hardest part, let's build a script to help. Jotting down a new note

I am documenting some of the process in Building jot.

Referenced in:
Jotting down a new note
In Genesis I remarked that the hardest part of building a new note was figuring out the filename. npm run jot now builds a file titled like this automatically. TIL the date command. { "scripts": { "jot": "touch notes/$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')" } } I can now backlink (Backlinks) files with [[]], but I'm not rendering anything yet. I'd like to now think about what I want to build What I wish this to be
Six notes in
I guess based on filename alone (Genesis) I've been writing for 18 minutes. I'm not really building a habit yet (but will be soon What I wish this to be), but that's enough data(?) to start rendering this and seeing how backlinks (and forward links I suppose!) behave. Let's commit.

Jotting down a new note

In Genesis I remarked that the hardest part of building a new note was figuring out the filename. npm run jot now builds a file titled like this automatically. TIL the date command.

  "scripts": {
    "jot": "touch notes/$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')"

I can now backlink (Backlinks) files with [[]], but I'm not rendering anything yet.

I'd like to now think about what I want to build What I wish this to be

Building jot

Notes will be markdown, I'll probably use Marked (EDIT: I went with react-markdown)

Looking around for info on [[]], it looks like this is commonly referred to as "Wiki links" and there are some nice tools for using them in VSCode.

Don't know how long I'll be writing notes in VSCode though, so I'll sort of ignore for now. I just wanna see how easily I can parse them.

Some collected notes on progess: