Extend npm run jot

Idea: npm run jot "Title here" adds a title and prints the timestamp for easy placeholder management.

Yeah let's build that. It works

Integrating with vscode

Referenced in:
Creating notes in context
Ideally, I begin typing [[title]] and click it to create a new note (and begin editing it). This is readily available in Bear The idea being that I lay down a framework and expand on it after. (Currently I leave a placeholder, run npm run jot, and replace the placeholder with the filename) I bet I can fork vscode-markdown-notes to make this happen. Alternatively... maybe I can Extend npm run jot

It works


Integrating with vscode

Now that npm run jot can take a title and produce a note, it might be wise to add this to my editor such that I can right click on a placeholder, generating a note from the text, and replace it with the new note's filename.

Unsure if tasks can get me there, I bet I need to write an extension.